I am…vegan, controlled by a cat and committed to a camera. I am also an extrovert who sometimes can’t stand to be around people. I am passionate about many things, most of them hopeless, and I have a card that declares me an “enemy of the empire”.

16 Responses to “About”

  1. Simonne Says:

    Well! You sound perfectly wonderful to me!

  2. Deb Says:

    Thanks Simonne! 😀

  3. poseidonsmuse Says:

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with being an enigmatic individual Deb – it makes for a much more interesting “life story”, yes? [Love the picture of your cat by the way – looks like a magical Cat Sidhe – Celtic cat fairy….meowwww.].

  4. Deb Says:

    I had to look up Cat Sidhe, and that is really cool! She’s actually a calico, and her “warrior name” is “Tempest fugit” so I’m not sure how good she’d be as part of a myth! Then again, they were mythical because they were hard to find. Maybe you are on to something!

  5. poseidonsmuse Says:

    Wow Deb! That is very cool. She is absolutely beautiful – she has the eyes of an “old soul.” Even though I haven’t met her, I am sure that she has mythical potential – I think that all animls (and people) do! “Tempist fugit” (Time flies?). Perfect. Please give her my love…

  6. Deb Says:

    tempus fugit would be “time flees”. tempest is her name, and since her first reaction to just about everything is to run (towards the food, towards the cat tree, away from feet, somewhere, anywhere!), some friends gave her a “warrior name” of tempest fugit. 😀

    She accepted your love with pleasure. She figures she can never have too much!

  7. motherwintermoon Says:

    I’m a vegetarian and animal mom, trying my best to absorb what my fur-babies and fur-gurus have to teach me. Not quite vegan, but on the same track, perhaps for the same reasons? 🙂 “I am passionate about many things, most of them hopeless..” That struck a resounding chord in me. So pleased to make your acquaintance. Do you ever get the feeling cats think humans are quite dense?

  8. Deb Says:

    I always get so excited to meet other vegans and vegetarians! I went vegan “for the animals”, which is sort of vague. It has become both more specific and more general as time has gone on, so it is very likely we have some common reasons for this path!

    I’m glad you found my blog. 🙂

    And yes, I do get the feeling that cats think we’re dense! Sometimes my cat loses all patience with me, and just runs around like mad.

  9. Mike+ Says:

    Deb, could you please tell me how you change the script that comes up when you place the cursor over a link? I have not seen anyone use that creatively before, and never gave it a thought.
    I am also interested (if you would be willing to help a stranger) in the pros and cons and hows of being licensed by creative commons. Your blog is very elegant. Cheers, Mike+

  10. Deb Says:

    Sent you an email! Thanks!

  11. Hawk Says:

    You sound like someone after my own heart. I, too, have a card. But, it would not be very appropriate disclose what it reads. LOL!

    I am the same as you. Very much an extrovert. Way out there at times, however, there are moments where I jus’ wanna be and I do, get the hell away from everyone! Sometimes, it’s the only way to maintain any level of reasonable sanity, however, that may be defined.

    Bada bing, bada bang, bada boom!

  12. Deb Says:

    Now I’m curious as to what that card could say! 😀

    I think us extroverts need the other extreme once in a while to balance ourselves. At least, balance is what I seem to struggle with! Sanity, gave up on that long ago!

  13. Hawk Says:

    First, someone has to accurately paint for me, precisely what ‘sanity’ looks like. I would then guarantee that whomever stroke the brush across the canvass, would capture something other than what I would consider sane! Maybe I’ll go rent that Mel Brooks movie, It’s A Mad, Mad World! I may have the title wrong, but I’m close enough so it will do!

    If I haven’t mentioned to you here before, I really like your site. Most of my visits have been via my readers. And, I have been one of those that takes a while to begin offering commentary. Most of the time I just don’t jump in. I like getting a feel for the blogger before commenting. Besides, the thang gotta have some interesting that wets my whistle!

    Vrrooooom, take-off…

  14. Hawk Says:

    My apology for the bad grammar and stuff. I get in a hurry and hate. Plus, I always forget to enable my online spell-check. Jus’ call me the absent-minded professor!


  15. Deb Says:

    Yeah, that’s how I feel about sanity too. Reminds me of one of the folk musicians I like, a story he tells, where we’re reminded that when people say “normal” they really just mean “average.” And I think that’s what most people think of for “sane” as well – the average are considered sane, but look at what path that has led us in the past!

    Thanks, it is good to hear that you like my site! I have a fair number of people I visit only via reader, and I’ve always wondered whether I have people doing the same, and if so, who they are! Glad you decided to jump in.

    And you never have to apologize for bad grammar or spelling or anything here!

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